2897024041 6977630113 Ανάληψη Χερσονήσσου, Ηράκλειο clean2bag@gmail.com
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Clean & Bag
Consumables & Packaging - Stationery - Detergents - Bags
- Cleaning products - Antiseptics - Disinfectants - Upper Peninsula Heraklion

Clean & Bag is a company located in the Upper Peninsula of Heraklion and deals in the trade of packaging consumables, stationery, detergents, bags, cleaning supplies, antiseptics and disinfectants. Our company has been active in this field for many years and has gained an excellent reputation for the quality of the products it offers and excellent customer service.
At Clean & Bag you find a wide variety of packaging products for your every need, such as plastic bags, paper towels, aluminum foil and much more. We also offer a wide variety of detergents for all types of cleaning, including washing machines, dishes and surfaces. In addition, Clean & Bag offers a wide variety of cleaning supplies such as sponges, cloths and wipes to help you clean efficiently and easily.